Happy Boxing Day, folks! I hope you all had wonderful holidays filled with family and friends and general cheer. I certainly did and now we're enjoying the calm and lazy playfulness of the day after. It's windy and stormy outside. The fire is cozy. And Beckett's new play kitchen has been churning out world class fare all morning.

I'm sorry I went dark there in the days leading up to Christmas. I had, of course, planned on sharing all of my completed holiday projects, the cards and labels, the handmade gifts and wrapping, but as usual the holiday crunch caught up with me and mothandsparrow took a backseat.
My slacker posting schedule may end up for the best though, as now I have a few reserve projects stored up to share during this crazy month of packing and moving and excitement and nostalgic meltdowns. I'm officially leaving my sewing machine at the new place, so I'll be without it for most of January. I'm also officially leaving my husband at the new place. GULP. It'll be an interesting month, but probably not such a productive one.
For now I just want to say here's to you and yours. Wishing all the best the Winter holidays can bring and the best possible New Year.
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