Can you tell what fabrics I had a surplus of? This whole Kid's Clothes Week Challenge has been huge for the great fabric de-stash. My drawers are no longer groaning under the weight, or refusing to close under the bulk. Anyway, here's a quick couple of somethings I made for Beckett.

A raglan baseball tee and a pair of knit pants. I asked what he wanted to stencil on the shirt - no great surprise - he wanted a fox, but, and here's the great suprise, he wanted his baby brother to have a fox shirt too. So out came the trusty freezer paper and x-acto and soon the boys had matching pjs. Pretty damn cute, if I do say so myself.

I also took the opportunity, while the house was a stenciling disaster zone, to print these two mustachioed characters that have been lurking in my sketchbook. Ever since our little 18 month old Beckett was fascinated/ terrified by the walruses at the zoo, mustaches have been a favorite comedic device around here.

These onesies cracked him up, and now he wants his own walrus and "Major Monocle" tee shirts. Of course he'll get 'em, but the cheese factor of having brothers with matching wardrobes is not lost on me. At least I haven't gone completely off the deep end and started making coordinating looks for myself. Or better yet, their tall, dark and brooding dad. Actually he'd probably love a Major Monocle shirt. Ok... you win this time, Cheese...
these freezer paper stencils are so cool, I love the fox!!