Ok, I'm ashamed to admit that this was the first time I had it together enough to have favor bags at a party. In my defense, Beckett's really only had one friend at his parties til this year, but still. Little did I know how fun it is to put together thematic treat bags. Clearly right up my alley.

Each kid went home with
stationery and stickers,
excellent beard stickers from
imadeyouabeard, the classic Wooly Willy, who is hugely popular in this house, chocolate mustache lollipops and some other candies, mustaches on sticks and finally the Mustache Monsters.
I had a hard time figuring out how to entertain a group of 4 year olds without renting a bouncy house or hiring a clown (two things I'm irrationally uncomfortable with.) The first thing I came up with was the photo booth - more on that soon, please check back! - and after a long list of other ideas I finally landed on the Mustache Monsters.

They are sneaky creatures with interchangeable 'staches and a pocket in back to store them. They're also excellent hiders so the kiddos teamed up to find them all. Perfect party game and surprisingly well received. I didn't expect the other kids to get such a kick out of these guys, but apparently brightly colored mustaches are universally funny.

I made the bodies out of leftover fleece and the features and mustaches are felt. They attach to the face with little velcro bits. I had originally planned on making the mustaches all black, like the bulk of the decorations etc, but I'm so glad I went with rainbow colors. It just adds to the whimsy, not to mention the ridiculousness.
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