What a crazy start to Summer I've had. But I finally managed to carve out a little time for myself. I read a book, an actual adult book, started a second and I made knightly costumes for our family. We joined Beckett's preschool and participated in the local summer festival parade which had a Renaissance Faire theme.

He wanted to be a knight, and of course he wanted a fox to be his coat of arms. The tunic is made from corduroy, trimmed with gold bias tape (did you know they sell gold pre-packaged bias tape? I didn't.) The fox is felt and the moon and stars are gold pleather. Never in my life did I think I'd have occasion to buy
gold pleather. Ha!

The costume shop had no good knight's helmets, but they had silver construction hard hats. I bought 2 of them, cut the front half of the brim off of one, and used the other to cut out the visor. It's attached with brads, so B can flip it up and down. The feather was an afterthought, and an 11th hour errand, but it was just what the helmet needed to take away that last bit of hard-hat-ness.

At almost 2am, the night (morning) before the parade, I had a sudden impulse to make him a noble steed. I attacked a box with some scissors, pulled out my felt stash and burned through many sticks of hot glue. Turns out, "Mony the Pony" (as he's now called) was the biggest hit. B loves this guy, lots of other kids looked at him enviously and a few parents asked which booth we had bought him from.

I made us parents simple costumes too, and even the baby had a little tunic, but I didn't get many pictures of them. Besides, ours were cobbled together with hot glue and not enough time, while Beckett's was legitimately sewn and finished. Either way we had a great time squiring for our noble knight.