Hi everyone. I hope the dawn of 2012 finds you cozy and well. This holiday season was drastically different for us, being the first Christmas since moving close to our families. More parties, less travel, new traditions and friends, and the lights and decorations of a whole new neighborhood. I must say it was the loveliest, sweetest Christmas ever.

Somehow, despite the proximity to a horde of doting relatives, we had more cozy time, just the 4 of us, than ever before. Absolutely charming.

Our house is filled with such festive details, most of it handmade by the boys, especially Becks, who was my very own Christmas tomten, sneaking around leaving his childlike wonder in every corner of this apartment. There are gnomes and snowflakes, pine cones and boughs, garlands and displays and loads of pipe cleaners. The boys' even had their own tree this year.

The only thing missing was the blogging. There have been times when I've neglected my blog because I hadn't made anything worth posting. Lately, though, I've had plenty to post and I just haven't taken the time. I miss the writing, I miss the community of inspiring bloggers and blog readers and I miss having this little piece of something all my own.
Thanks for putting up with me this past, lean year and I promise to be more present in 2012! I suppose this is my resolution. More posts, tutorials, patterns and all the good stuff I had in mind when I started this little blog. Happy New Year everyone! Here's to a beautiful, charming, creative year!