That's what I've been. Checked out, since we lost the Boobers. Thank you all so much for your kind words and thoughts on our dear girl. I do miss her, but things are slowly but surely recalibrating. I, though have not quite been myself since.
Oh, we've been plenty busy too. A certain someone has been registered and assessed for Kindergarten. The closets are all purged and reorganized. The crib is gone and a bunk bed is in its place. I've been bingeing on books, some highly enjoyable, others highly forgettable, but each held its own little escape for me.
We spent a week in California with my sister and her family, which was marvelous, but saying goodbye to my nieces always leaves me in a funk. I did see some inspiring things down there. Beautiful vintage dresses and some swoon-worthy found object jewelry.
Perhaps most inspiring of all though, was seeing one Mr. Ewan McGregor at Seatac Int'l! He walked through the metal detector between me and my husband. I sat there, putting shoes back on the boys, staring back at tall, dark, oblivious Zion and freaking Ewan McGregor, essentially side by side, and I have to say, my Zion held his own. Handsome, sexy, charming even when standing elbow to elbow with delicious Butterscotch Mancandy himself. Not a bad day for my marriage! The accent is a little irresistible though, and Mr. McGregor was super gracious to all the staff... I'd still let him buy me a drink... or two.
Anyway, it's been a strange month here and I haven't been myself. Creative pursuits have all but dried up, which always makes me feel like a husk. But happily, happily, when I finally returned to my dear blog, which I haven't even glanced at in a month I found this news! Kid's Clothes Week is coming soon. That aughta get my off my ass! But first I have to get sketching.
Thunderstorms Have A Cold Problem
1 day ago