B's school has a special bear named Ted E. Bear and each child gets to take him home for a week and keep him entertained. Beckett, in his infinite reluctance, didn't want to have anything to do with Ted. No interest whatsoever, in fact there was a smidgoen of anxiety about having to participate in this. But we talked about it, and I suggested that maybe Mr. Fox, dearest Mr. Fox, wouldn't mind the company. B agreed to give it a shot.

The boy went crazy for this well loved old bear. He took him all around, aboard ferries, to mini farms, to birthday parties and family dinners. They played photo booth, read Charlotte's web and built lots and lots of simple circuits.

There were tears this morning when we brought him back to school. We had taken many photos, and wrote our little chapter in Ted's life story in the class journal and returned him for the next child to take home. Maybe B's reluctance all along was fear of saying goodbye, it's become really tough for him lately. But as sad it was, I was heartened and gratified to see my boy, my standoffish B, throw himself into the care and character of this stuffed animal. Thank, Ted!

P.S. B's wonderful teacher, upon seeing his quivering lip, suggested that he start keeping a journal for Mr. Fox and all the adventures that they have together. I love this idea!