Last Spring my rain boots tore in some secret place in the seam, creating a one way valve whereby water sloshed in with every step, yet never sloshed out again. Here I am, many months later still without a pair of boots. So yesterday, when Fall flipped a switch and breezy warm became deluge, I rolled up to preschool in a rain coat and my saltwater sandals. Pathetic.
I had been saying to Tall, Dark and Husbandy that duck shoes might suit my purposes better, but where to find them for less than $80? So, while I stood at preschool in my saltwaters, in walked the new, fashionable mom at school sporting duck shoes. She said Marshall's. So to Marshall's I went. They're Sperry Top-sider brand, awesomely comfortable, and were on sale for $25. If you're looking for duck shoes - hit up Marshall's

Since Fall seems here in earnest we've been listening to a lot of
this. An homage of sorts, I guess. Thanks for the great Summer, sunshine. Now onto leaves and sweaters, cinnamon and acorns. And, of course, Halloween!