I may be an artist, but I am no craftsman. Most of my sewing is something more like Pacific Campaign medical tent sutures. But this is the first time I've made a series of garments instead of sending my sewing machine back to the closet abyss after the first passionate and fumbling project. Lo and behold, I'm friggin' improving. I can actually sew a straight line today, which I couldn't last week. My pattern drafting is getting better, too. So today, I made this skirt. It's corduroy. Made with 6 skirt panels and a waist band, and even features ornamental stitching (which I
definitely couldn't do last week.)
put the damn things on for yr photos lady seamstress!!!!! it looks amazing. like jealous tantrum inducing amazing....AND i bet it looks even better with yr legs peeking out from under it, maybe with a pair of red boots on?????